Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Assignement # 8

George: And after the break, i will be talking with the ghost of Louis Riel Canadian politician and also the founder of Manitoba, some call him a traitor others call him the father of confederation, which does he think he is, we will find out after the break.

George:So Louis there has been a lot of controversy about your legacy, do you think that what you did was right?

Riel: of course i thought it was right i am proud of what i did and I have no regrets, even though others have called me a insane traitor the only regret that i have is that i wish that i had been more loyal to the people that helped me.

George:If you could be alive right now what would you change about the world?

Riel:I would definitely remove all the violence, a lot of that happened when i was alive and i definitely realise how wrong it was now. Also I would open more schools after education helped me so much, I realise how important it is.

George:Which one of your achievements are you most proud of?

Riel: I would have to say founding Manitoba.

George:Can you tell us about it?

Riel:Sure, this is how it happened, the three delegates representing the provisional government departed for Ottawa on March 24. Even though they first met with legal difficulties arising from the execution of Scott, they were soon able to enter into direct talks with MacDonald and George-Étienne Cartier. An agreement remembering the demands in the list of rights was quickly reached, and this formed the basis for the Manitoba Act of 12 May 1870, which formally admitted Manitoba into the Canadian confederation. However, the negotiators were unable to secure a general amnesty for the provisional government. As a means of exercising Canadian authority in the settlement and depressing American expansionists, a Canadian military expedition under Colonel Garnet Wolseley was dispatched to the Red River Although the government described it as an "errand of peace", I learned that Canadian militia elements in the expedition meant to attach me, and I fled as the expedition approached the Red River. The arrival of the expedition on august 20 marked the end of the Red River Rebellion.


Anonymous said...

Hey Russell

Great job on assignment #8.
Can you please follow my blog?????????????????????

thanks, adam

James said...

Hey Russell

Your assignment #8 is great and it is really long :\

Dillon said...

Hey StoneWallStu, Nice backround. Oh and Good work for assignment#8

P.S. I think someone wants to fight :)

Jordan d. said...

your assignment 8 sounds like you copy and pasted on the last paragraugh.

P.S follow my blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!