Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Assignement # 9

here is the link for the full sized picture
This is a map of where the British colonists lived and where all the loyalists went to. I am living in Pennsylvania it is highlighted in pink.(but it isn't the only area highlighted in pink)

March 5 2009
Dear Diary,
It is so annoying having all these loyalists here. Why did they have to come here to north America? They are taking up a lot of space roughly 100,000 of them came here, and the only reason that they came here is because most educated Americans, whether Loyalist or Revolutionary, accepted John Locke's theory of natural rights and limited government. Locke thought that human nature is defined by reason and tolerance. Locke thought that human nature allowed men to be selfish. This is obvious with the introduction of money and salaries. In a natural state all people were equal and independent, and everyone had a natural right to defend his or her “life, health, liberty, or possessions.” Locke thought that the only right to defend in the original state was not enough, so people started a civil society to resolve problems in a civil way with help from government in a state of society. Locke also helped governmental separation of powers and thought that revolution is not only a right but an obligation in some circumstances. These ideas would come to have great impact on the Constitution of the United States and its Declaration of Independence.
Some of the people who came here aren't even that important, most of them are small farmers, artisans and shopkeepers. But all the wealthy ones and Anglican ministers came as well. I heard that in some parts of north America like New York and the Carolinas, the taking from Loyalists resulted in sort of a social revolution as large mansions were rented out to yeoman farmers.

I hope this is over soon and everybody leaves but even if it ends, I think that some of the loyalists are already settled and will never leave.


A frustrated British Colonist